Below is a list of the candidates for this election along with some biographical information for each. Click here when you are ready to vote.

District 1

Gary Snode, Incumbent
Gary  Snode Gary Snode and his wife, Sue, reside on the family farm located in Brown Township, Carroll County. The farm has been in the Snode family since 1918. They are currently building a herd of Angus cattle — now at 25 — and also raising hay, straw, melons, pumpkins, and other vegetables to sell in the farmers' markets and wholesale.

The rental facility of the Restored Country Barn is used for weddings, receptions, and social events of all kinds. They are presently restoring the Haynam house in Minerva, which was Sue's grandparent's home. It will be used as overnight lodging for out-of-town wedding guests.

Gary has been a member of Carroll Electric since 1962 and has been a Carroll Electric trustee for 18 years. He is a member of America's Electric Cooperatives PAC, the federal political action committee of the nation's electric cooperatives. Snode feels strongly that the role of the trustee is to listen to the needs and concerns of each member and respond quickly. He believes the biggest challenge facing the electric industry remains the rising cost and reliability of electricity.

Co-op trustee certifications

  • Credentialed Cooperative Director
  • Board Leadership Certificate
  • Director Gold

District 4

Harold Sutton, Incumbent
Harold  Sutton Harold Sutton and his wife, Susan, reside in Ross Township, Jefferson County.

Sutton is involved full-time in the farming industry, farming more than 500 acres. Sutton served as secretary of the Carrollton Farmer's Exchange Board for 35 years and was also the former president of the Jefferson County Farm Bureau and Rural Preservation Group. He is a member of America's Electric Cooperatives PAC and the Ohio Electric Cooperatives Political Action Committee. In addition, he currently serves as Carroll Electric's board president and has been a board trustee for the past 24 years.

Sutton has been a member of Carroll Electric since 1984. He believes that his role as a trustee is "to hire, provide guidance, and evaluate the general manager of the cooperative and to be fiscally responsible in decision-making." Sutton believes that a challenge facing the electric industry is keeping electric rates as low as possible while meeting service expectations of members and complying with government regulations, all while providing a safe work environment for employees.

Sutton has two sons, Scott and Matthew, and two grandchildren, Sofia and Wally.

Co-op trustee certifications

  • Credentialed Cooperative Director
  • Board Leadership Certificate
  • Director Gold

District 8

Vince Carter, Incumbent
Vince  Carter Vince Carter and his wife, Tanya, live in Harrison Township, Carroll County. Vince has worked for the Ohio Department of Transportation for 36 years and is currently serving as the transportation administrator at the Carroll County full-service maintenance facility. Vince and Tanya, along with their two daughters, Tait and Laiton, own and operate Haynam's Sweetcorn. The family plants, cultivates, harvests, and distributes local, hand-picked sweet corn. Vince has been a Carroll Co-op member since 2007 and a director on the board of trustees since 2021.

Vince is a Carrollton High School graduate and a Kent State University alumnus. He has completed the Ohio Certified Public Manager's Program through Cleveland State University, which is a nationally certified development program for state and local government leaders. This past year, he received his Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate and is currently working on acquiring his Board Leadership Certificate.

Vince is seeking another term because he believes concerns in the energy sector have increased significantly over the past five years and feels that he brings a developed skill set from professional and personal experiences that benefits the board and the membership. He's committed to listening, learning, and navigating the needs of the internal and external customer, and is dedicated to analyzing appropriate solution options, and being a valuable team member for constructive operations.

He believes future challenges for the co-op will be navigating and influencing federal environmental policies that directly affect electric generation that is needed to meet the demands of the future and provide safe, reliable and affordable electric to the members.

Co-op Certifications:

  • CCD
Co-op memberships:
  • America's Electric Cooperatives PAC and OECPAC

Proposed Code of Regulations Changes


You may review the proposed Code of Regulations Changes here.