Jay Bee Employees Federal Credit Union Merger Vote
July 2024
Dear Member
As your financial partner, the commitment of Jay Bee Employees Federal Credit Union has been to provide services to our members. We are proud to say that we have successfully accomplished that since 1962. A lot has changed over the years. As we move into the future, we want to be able to provide you, our member, those high quality, state of the art products and services that you deserve.
After thoughtful research and consideration, the Board of Directors of Jay Bee Employees Federal Credit Union have voted to
strategically partner with First Commonwealth Federal Credit Union. This partnership will enable members of Jay Bee Employees Federal Credit Union to receive products and services not available
currently to our members. While this is technically a merger, it is truly a partnership whereby two credit unions share similar commitment to its members. Partnering with First Commonwealth Federal Credit Union offers you, our member, the resources and stability of a premier financial institution while remaining true to our commitment.
Some of the additional benefits you will receive though this merger:
- 14 additional branches located throughout the Lehigh Valley along with Carbon, Berks and Warren
County, NJ
- Benefit Checking which gives you the opportunity to get cash back based on usage
- Contactless Debit and Credit Cards
- ATMs and ITMs that give you better flexibility to access your funds
- Vast array of savings products such as Money Market Accounts and CDs
First Commonwealth Federal Credit Union comprehensive suite of personal and business financial products will make life easier for you, along with the added convenience of enhanced member support services. Please feel free to visit their website at
www.firstcomcu.org to review all the products and services you can receive.
As a member, you have a say, and our hope is that you indeed find the value you will receive in this partnership.
What follows are the pages related to the Notice of Meeting of the Members of Jay Bee Employees Federal Credit Union and a ballot to vote on the proposed merger. We ask that you return the ballot by mail in the
enclosed postage paid envelope by 5:00pm on September 19, 2024. You may cast your vote in person at the Special Meeting.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff, we thank you for entrusting us with your financial needs. We are confident that by forming this partnership it solidifies that original commitment formed in 1962 to continue to provide our members with the most comprehensive products and services for many years to come.
Sincerely yours,
Board of Directors
Jay Bee Employees Federal Credit Union