Wright-Patt Credit Union
Board of Directors Election
Welcome to the official Wright-Patt Credit Union Board of Directors election site. Please read through the instructions below, then click the
Begin Voting button.
Voting Instructions:
- Click the Begin Voting button below. This will direct you to a secure website for this voting process.
- Logon by entering the following when prompted:
- Either your full 13-digit WPCU TrueSaver® savings account number (e.g.,100000XXXXXXX) OR the Personal ID (PID) included in your vote reminder email or, if you’ve received a paper ballot, the top corner of that ballot.
- The last five (5) digits of your Social Security number (SSN) or EIN for business accounts.
- Select the candidates you want to vote for, cast your vote to approve the 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes, and then click the Next button.
- Review your votes, and press the Submit button to cast your ballot.