Welcome to the official Wright-Patt Credit Union Board of Directors election site. Please read through the instructions below, then click the Begin Voting button.

Voting Instructions:

  1. Click the Begin Voting button below. This will direct you to a secure website for this voting process.

  2. Logon by entering the following when prompted:
    1. Either your full 13-digit WPCU TrueSaver® savings account number (e.g.,100000XXXXXXX) OR the Personal ID (PID) included in your vote reminder email or, if you’ve received a paper ballot, the top corner of that ballot.
    2. The last five (5) digits of your Social Security number (SSN) or EIN for business accounts.

  3. Select the candidates you want to vote for, cast your vote to approve the 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes, and then click the Next button.

  4. Review your votes, and press the Submit button to cast your ballot.